“Welcome to the new website of the Bath-Braunschweig Twinning Association. The Association aims to promote cultural and sporting links between the citizens of our two cities, and during the past year we were delighted to welcome two choirs to Bath: the Münsterchor from St Aegidien, and the Jugendkantorei from Brunswick Cathedral. Both choirs toured south England before participating in church services in Bath and giving recitals in Bath Abbey. These were memorable occasions and some of us will have the pleasure of hearing them again in Brunswick this September. We were also honoured to welcome the Lord Mayor of Brunswick, Dr Thorsten Kornblum, the President of the Technische Universität, Professor Angela Ittel, and a delegation of businessmen on the first such official visit to Bath in over ten years. Such meetings are helping us to forge academic links and prepare the ground for an exchange of apprentices in coming years.”
Judy Spencer, BBTA Chair, August 2024